



human rights commission

i – Report

The i-Report is a platform for the electronic transmission and management of cases of human rights violations and abuses.

If you are a registered Human Rights Champion, report to the Human Rights Commission cases of human rights violations below.

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Human rights sensitization at the 95th Agricultural and Commercial Show in Lusaka
Promoting human rights during Umutomboko Traditional Ceremony in Mwansambombwe
Promoting human rights during the African Public Service Week
Inspection of cells at Mpika Police Station
His Royal Highness Paramount Chief Chitimukulu interacting with Commission staff during Ukusefya Pa Ng’wena Traditional Ceremony of the Bemba People
The Human Rights Commission took part at this year’s Labour Day Commemoration held in Lusaka under the theme, “Building Resilience: Workers at the Heart of Zambia’s Economic Recovery.”


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The Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Act No. 2 of 2016 provides under Article 230 (2) that the Commission shall ensure that the Bill of Rights is upheld and protected

Vice Chairperson Dr. Felicity Kalunga

Commissioner Panic Chilufya

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State of Human Rights

The Human Rights Commission monitors the human rights situation and implementation of international human rights standards in the country through production of an Annual State of Human Rights report.

This is in an effort to promote accountability at all levels in human rights promotion and protection and help stakeholders working in the area of human rights education, sensitization, research and advocacy better implement their interventions, using the report as a tool.

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Complaints Procedure

Complaints handling constitutes a large part of the work that we do. Our complaints handling mechanism allows the Commission to receive complaints of human rights violated or threatened from an aggrieved person, a person acting on behalf of an aggrieved person or group of persons, or an association acting in the interest of its members. The Commission also has powers to investigate human rights abuses on its own initiative.

On receipt of a complaint, the Commission carries out preliminary investigations to assess whether it constitutes a case of human rights violation or a threat to a human right and falls within its jurisdiction. The complainant is advised as to whether the case is admissible. On matters where the Commission has no jurisdiction, the cases are referred to appropriate institutions that can effectively deal with them. It should be noted, however, that the enabling law does not allow the Commission to deal with matters pending in court or complaints that are submitted more than two years after knowing of a violation . . .

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Why it should be amended

The Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights in Zambia only provides for civil and political rights. It does not include economic, social and cultural rights. Hence the need to expand the scope of rights guaranteed in the current Bill of Rights

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Age or disability should not be a barrier to enjoying human rights
We all have the same rights and should be treated with respect for the inherent dignity

Police Bond is free of any charge

The Bill of Rights in Zambia only provides for civil and political rights. It does not include economic, social and cultural rights. Hence the need to expand the scope of rights guaranteed in the current bill of rights

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Vision & Mission

The mission of the Human Rights Commission is to promote and protect human rights for all people in Zambia through investigations of human rights violations, rehabilitation of victims of human rights abuses, education of communities and advocacy for policy and legal changes influenced by evidence based research

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